0049 941 2984477-0


Significant reduction of the time-to-market plus improved product quality

Run2Run offers you a continuous improvement of your processes and optimizes all the necessary process parameters for the processing. The solution is industry neutral and is used successfully even in the most complex high-tech industries. Run2Run also supports a virtual image (digital twins) of the current system state and incorporates this information into the calculation for process optimization.

Since it is usually confidential processing information about your company, all data are transferred and stored encrypted.

Gefasoft Engineering Run2Run supports a domain concept that supports various views, such as one for the IT or a different one for the process engineer. This means the integration of external applications (such as MES, ERP) can be maintained from the IT domain and process-specific rules by the process engineer.

With a modern rule editor, the process engineer can access all relevant data and process parameters and use these for calculations in a form editor. External information, e.g. From an SPC or MES system can be provided by the IT and configured comfortably in a workflow editor.run2runtest

A test environment offers the possibility to simulate these defined rules so that they can be extensively tested before production. Monitoring and analysis tools support both the test phase as well as during the production to monitor the executed optimizations.

The modern architecture of Run2Run supports both different platforms and operating systems as well as high availability, clustering and load balancing.


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